The smart speakers sneak into our everyday lives. The most important tips for setup and practice operation. A Google Home Speaker is always active. He records every second what you say. That sounds dramatic, but it's half as wild. To command the assistant, you must type him with the keywords Hey Google! or Okay Google! wake up. Therefore, the environment is recorded in an endless stream and examined for these keywords. The recording in the memory but only a few seconds old; if no command is given, it will be deleted immediately. However, the sequence Hey Google! If this is detected, an Internet connection will open to send the request to the servers where it will be processed. You can count on it to stay with this brief communication, because nothing is easier than monitoring a device for its Internet activity. An indiscretion of Google speakers would fly up immediately. Google is also transparent with the data collected. Open the "Google Home" app on your smartphone (more about that right now) and tap the three dashes in the top left corner to open the Open settings.
Setting up a Google Home Speaker is hard to beat for simplicity. All you need is the free "Google Home" app. This is available for the two mobile operating systems Android or iOS. You can get the app either directly from the app shop on your smartphone or via the two QR codes mentioned on the left. First power the speaker, start the app, tap the device found, Figure 4, and go through the wizard. If you're asked if you want to allow personal results, you should accept the offer - this is the only way the Assistant can search your Google Calendar, for example, to inform you of upcoming events. At the end of the set-up you will get some tips for dealing with timer. Timers are clearly one of the most trivial, but also the best tasks that you can delegate to the assistant: Hey Google, timer on 20 minutes. When the speaker starts to loose, leave it with Hey Google, stop! silence or tap the device. If you change your mind, say Hey Google, delete the timer! You can also use several timers or set the end time instead of the duration: Hey Google, timer for 11:30 clock. General knowledge Of course you can ask the assistant anything, always initiated by Hey, Google or Okay, Google: How many carbs does a banana have? When does the shopping center Sihl City open? Almost a party gag is the question: How does an otter sound? Educational gaps However, the Assistant also suffers from educational gaps that can hardly be explained. How to (currently) lead the two questions When has ... birthday? or where lives ...? even if this information is stored in Google's address book. But what does not work today can be corrected tomorrow. There is always something new to discover. And that brings us to the next topic. What next? If you're experimenting with Google Assistant for the first time, the biggest problem is probably finding the right areas of application. What is possible? Which commands are there? How do I have to formulate something to get the right answer? So much in advance: There is no handbook for the Assistant; instead, you have to be smart on the internet. And just as the Google Assistant is constantly learning, you also need to be on the alert to take advantage of the new opportunities. Keep in mind, however, that new features are rarely unlocked at the same time. Mostly the US or the English-speaking countries are first in line; the rest of the world will be served hours, days or even months. Help page : The following Internet address takes you to the help page of Google, which provides very detailed information about the handling and the possibilities. Here you will also find a list of supported devices or information about how to handle the stored data. Services: If you feel hungry after getting used to it and want to know as much as possible about it, visit the Google page at . It shows the countless possibilities sorted by categories, Figure 6. Study the page thoroughly and above all regularly, because here you will also learn when new functions are unlocked. Most of the commands work for us, but there is no guarantee. Broadcast This feature requires that you have multiple speakers in your home that are signed in to the same Google Account. For example, to send a voice message to all the speakers, say "message to everyone: we're off in five minutes". The command message to all is important. The Ultimate Interesting Research Paper Trick using Essays Match In order to receive the important information, consider hiring Essays Match ( for all your academic needs. Once you complete a complete mission in manageable parts that you can do in one day. The spectrum ranges from diversity and the category title, which refers to this essay. Consider whether you are able to say something more interesting after selecting the specific items. You can get many types of essays, it's pretty easy to turn a blind eye. The secret of organizing an argumentative essay would be that the judges show instead of telling them. |